BLOGHERNOT ’08 Nightcap Recap

Good Morning BlogHerNotters!

If you missed the The Human Party last night, you missed THIS.

Pajama Momma showing off her brand-new, tummy-tucked belly. And mad hula hooping skills. All. Night. Long. Until the sun came up. Crazy chick.

Don’t be too sad. The party’s still going on over at Single Working Mommy‘s (she’s hardcore), so make sure to stop by. Seriously, the music alone is worth it. Oh yeah, and there’s GLITTER. Hell, for all anyone knows, Modern Single Momma‘s still there, dancin’, smokin’ and drinkin’ her mojitos.

For those drunkards feelin’ a bit hungover today, Deb at Bird on a Wire has graciously offered to spring for coffee. And if you feel like a little drama with your java, go visit her site — she has a great post up today about a Tweeter who says BlogHerNotters are all a bunch of jealous hos. Whatev.

UPDATE: Mamabeeotch says we’re jealous too. I’ve left a comment on her site, which is awaiting moderation and may never see the light of day. However, in the spirit of BlogHerNot, I’m sharing the love and linking to her, because it looks like she’s new to blogging and could use the traffic. Oiy. Please no more drama.

Tonight, the party will be live on Twitter, so if you don’t have an account, sign up and follow me! You can find a lot of BlogHerNot participants on my “Following” list — make sure to follow them too so you don’t miss out.

I also suggest visiting Ali at Procrastination and Then Some. She’s got a recipe for a Tropical Orgasm that’ll turn your panties inside out. IF you’re into that. Knowing her penchant for beachy drinks, I’m guessing Ilinap at Dirt and Noise will go for this one.

And in the meantime, if you haven’t read all the fabulous BlogHerNot seminar posts, the instructors are still around and would looove to see you!

It’s Saturday! Party on Doogs!


Filed under Party Piece

28 responses to “BLOGHERNOT ’08 Nightcap Recap

  1. One of the best things about BlogHerNot?

    We don’t have to pretend we like doing yoga first thing in the morning. Or ever.

  2. Ugh. Yoga schmoga.

    Yoga = Fart Fest

  3. Di

    You have inspired me to reincarnate my Twitter account. So I might join the party from the lawn of the Walnut Creek Ampitheater, no doubt sitting on a rain-soaked blanket listening to Brad Paisley!

    Oh…and now something fun to do from my iPhone while sitting at the baseball games today.

  4. Wooooooo! Twitter conferencing! I guess my kids can eat Cheez-Its again today. It’s what they’d be doing if I’d gone to BlogHer. HA!

  5. Steph – I fully expect running commentary from the Quirky Blogger Chick. That be you.

  6. Mornin Ladies! Drop by for coffee and the best talk around!

  7. This is so funny! I made it a point to drink an entire bottle of wine yesterday and a couple coronas….you know, to “feel” BLOGHERNOT with every ounce of my being.

    In fact, I’m still “feeling” the affects this morning.

    Where’s the freaking ibuprofen?

    you got talent mommypie. not only are you a great writer, you have mad photoshops skillz and you’re a total looker.

    *stabs thigh with pen to distract from jealousy pangs

  8. Look who’s talkin’ Ms. Hottie Tottie, half nekkid hula hoopin’ rock star?

    *secretly smiles over gushing compliments

  9. I applaud you for the success of BlogHerNot. I have been having a wonderful time. The classes have been great – the party – I can’t describe it in words and the drama, well what a conference be without a little drama. If I am not at BlogHer next year, I will surely be joining you for BlogHerNot ’09!

  10. wow, jealous? I think not….feel like I don’t know the blogging world well enough to go? exactly! Plus the whole money and sitter and stuff. 🙂 opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I’m over it. Plus, I’m too busy trying to figure out the best way to get rid of this massive hangover. Aren’t you suppose to have a beer or something first thing? or is it a pepsi? god help me…..for a ‘newbie’ to this group, I think I made a fool of myself last night.

  11. Di

    Did we…and by we, I mean BHN08, not the OTHER…personally take Twitter down? I see it’s down for maintenance. Does that mean it just drank too much last night and is nursing a hangover? I want to Twitter from Brad Paisley tonight, so they better take some ibuprofen and get back on track.

  12. Thanks Cutie Booty Cakes! I’ve had SO much fun putting this together. I’m inspired. Watch for some MAJOR events coming soon! SQEEEE!

    Kristin – BTW, the plumber called. You officially WRECKED the toilet.

    Di – Take a photo and Twitter it via! I am such a New Media Douchebag.

  13. It’s too bad that BHN08 is being taken for anything other than the spirit it was intended: Reaching out and togetherness.

  14. Amen Toots. Hopefully it’s just tiny few that don’t get it.

  15. I love this… how fun bashing the ones we love. I’m adding you to my blogroll and I’m going to follow you on twitter cause you all are having too much fun.

  16. Off to do my nails before the big party at Twitter tonight.

  17. All I can say is that someone needs to take the glitter away from Single Working Mama. I’m going to be picking glitter out of my teeth/hair/eyelashes/ears/cleavage for weeks to come!

  18. hah! Ya know my daughter put glitter glue in my son’s hair when he was a newborn baby. He’s two now and we gave him a buzzcut for summer, the glitter apparently embedded itself into his scalp. IT’S STILL THERE!!!

  19. Ok, is this really modernsinglemommy because she’s freaking adorable! She looks like a pinup girl.

  20. That IS her! She’s a total doll. Did you see her BlogHerNot Vlog?

    And LMAO about the scalp glitter — how funny is that??

  21. Well no wonder she has no problem doing a vlog, she is completely adorable.

  22. Wait, so I’ve missed mad hoola hooping and drama already?

    Ok, I just went over to that link. Green eyed envy? I think your idea has proven to be brilliant. Just b/c I haven’t figured out the whole Twitter thing doesn’t mean I can’t bow the your awesomeness in coming up with something that provided an opportunity for all of us bloggers to talk more.

  23. I am also late to the party. Gonna try to follow along on Twitter tonight. I’ll see if I can keep up.

  24. *Runs through Bloggywood glitter in hand*


    *Then vomits*

    I know we are all joking about hangovers and stuff, but I seriously woke up vomiting my face off this morning–still am. I think I have the stomach flu. Or did someone spike my drink? Gah!

  25. Jo

    You ladies have had me laughing and snorting throughout the day. This is such a cute idea and you have been alot of fun to read.

    By the way, I chose to attend your BlogHerNot ’08 conference in my jammies. I DID brush my teeth and put on deoderant for you though. I wouldn’t want to be the stinky gal in the audience. 🙂

  26. Thank GOODNESS for BlogHerNot!

    I posted a Very Important Message to all Bloggers everywhere about Unity and Change and Hope in the Blogosphere in a guest post for Black Hockey Jesus. I’d like to include it as a lecture for BlogHerNot.

    I have no swag to hand out, but I’d be glad to give a cyber foot rub, if it’s not too weird.

  27. Jozet – Of COURSE it can be a lecture! I’m a lurker fan of yours and am so happy to have your participation this weekend! I’ll add you to the list and post your link on tomorrow’s page as well.

    I’m off to BHJ to read …

  28. Okay, I should really be in bed by now, but the red lettering peeked my interest. Glad to see that all has been resolved! Props to you for handling it so well and spreading the link love.

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