Something new. More about YOU.

I’m thinking about doing something new on the weekends.

I spend five days a week blogging about my life (in some form or another). But I’m thinking I’ll dedicate the weekends to YOU. Because I want to know more about you, and I love the opportunity to interact with ma Doogs. The sense of community in Bloggywood is one of the things that keeps me coming back for more. I’ve met so many awesome people online these past months, and I know there are more of you out there.

Frankly, I kinda get sick of me, me, me all the time. Ech.

Plus, I’ve been reeeaaally lazy lately and have totally slacked making the rounds to my favorite blogs. It’s called, Not Enough Hours in the Day. I don’t want to lose touch.

So, let’s give this a test run, eh? I’ll come up with a question each weekend and, if the spirit moves you, leave your answer in the comments section. Or maybe you’ll be inspired to write a post … if so, make sure to leave a link so we can all visit your site!

This weekend’s question:

Your house is on fire.

What are the TWO items you’d try to save?

(Assuming your family and pets are already out of danger, of course.)

Mkay, go.


Filed under Doogs Weekend

56 responses to “Something new. More about YOU.

  1. My MacBook, Baby! Everything else can burn and I’d fan the flames.

  2. My laptop…the blog must go on. And…pictures, of course.

  3. mary

    anything valuable enough to buy a tent with!

  4. Pingback: Something new. More about YOU.

  5. My mother’s pearls and my laptop!

  6. I actually think about this and have planned for it. I’m not a pessimist, but I am guilty of a bit of “worst case scenario” kind of thinking. I would grab my external hard drive and my boxes with negatives. I would be devastated if I lost my family photos. (In your scenario, I get two items. In mine, I also grab the box of family videos.)

  7. My computer … everything is one there. Pictures, music … and Benjamin’s baby book box including first hair lock, birth certificate.

  8. My purse and clean underwear

  9. My macbook (has pictures, important files) and my external hard drive. (more pictures and important files)

  10. I don’t have any heirlooms or expensive jewelry, so I’m joining the ranks with hard drive and box of pictures.

    When we had the Fire Storm in San Diego last year, we were on warning for evacuation, and I had lots of time to think about what I’d grab.

  11. TWO THINGS?? Okay the computer desk (it has files, pictures, bill record everything) and the box int he garage with pictures. Everything else is replacable.

  12. All the pictures! And my camera to document the burning house. To blog about, of course.

  13. My camera. and my computer. duh. 🙂

  14. Shoot I knew I left the curling iron on!…um…My computer, duh. And…a scrapbook…but that would be hard, I have like 30…darnit.

  15. Photos and I was gonna leave my laptop, so if it burnt up I could get a brand spankin new one, but mssinglemama made me remember all the photos that I’ve downloaded to my laptop that I’ve been too lazy to upload to Snapfish.

    Soooo, guess I’ll have to bring the laptop and hope I get enough money from ins. to get sumpin new. From the sound of it, I need to get a Macbook and I don’t even know what that is.

  16. Ohh rats – I knew I shouldn’t have left all of those candles burning. Even if they did smell de-lish.

    So I’d be grabbing my new laptop and purse (which has my credit cards, cell phone, and digital camera inside).

    Unfortunately, my new laptop doesn’t have all my pictures on it – that’s my project for the weekend. So, please, if my house has to burn down, please burn it on Monday!

  17. my camera bag that has both my film and my digital cameras in it. the bag also has my other two lens and my charger and extra battery in it too 😉

    my laptop bag that will have my laptop, power cord, card reader and external hard drive in it.

    2 items. I just cheated a little.

  18. I’m totally PMSing right now, and that might influence my answer… because my first reaction was:

    1.) The cheesecake I fell asleep before eating last night.

    2.) A fork.

    (On second thought, I go with everyone else and say laptop and purse- and in this situation, I actually have everything I need in my purse- wallet, cell phone, iPod, camera, emergency makeup bag, Midol… photo albums, my favorite shoes, the Wii, chocolate, a box of Cheezits, and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and a bottle of wine in a cooler.) WAIT! Why don’t I just throw the laptop in the purse too! Then I can totally grab something else!

    Might need to upgrade on purse size… you know, just in case. Can you imagine that conversation with hubbs? “I NEED IT! In case the house catches on fire and I can only grab TWO things!”)

  19. Photo album and my laptop. Heck with the purse, all of that is replaceable, but my photos are priceless and all my work is on my laptop. I would hate to have to do all that work over again!

  20. my safe and computer and all related hardware…all my life is on there – pics, web stuff, and music is there. I’ve also assumed that you included my purse/cell phone are safe with the kids too!

  21. Okay, this is freaking me out. Are you in my brain??? This was going to be my post for tomorrow. Seriously. Not the idea of doing this every weekend (which is brilliant, by the way) — but the question? THAT was my question. I had the post all written and everything! Weirdy weird weird.

    So here’s what I’d grab (assuming the kids, husband and dog were already safe, and we’re talking about grabbing STUFF): my great-grandmother’s filigree ring and the wedding quilt that my sister arranged for friends and family to make (everyone did a square, and mom assembled the whole). Also, my laptop. Which I know is a third thing. But it’s right by the door and contains all my work, and it’s so small…

    Since your readers are such a different batch than mine, can I put up my Totally Looks Like I’m Copying MommyPie Post tomorrow? I swear, I’ll link to you like 50 times in it.


  22. Or how about this? I’ll wait a few days. Then I’ll link to you 100 times in the post. I still think this is really weird.

  23. Ok, I’d really like to see KD carry that desk out. *lol*

    I’m going to have to think more about this. At first the answers seem obvious, but given more time, I keep changing my mind. The hubby is even thinking about this one, perhaps that will be all the impetus he needs to post again, seeing as how I enjoy his posts over at Casa Barking Mad, yet he rarely gifts us with any.

  24. 1st: note to self — upload all photos to flicker this weekend.

    then i’d just need to grab my external hd (music) and my teddy bear. this is making sure that monkey has grabbed her cozy bear. those are utterly irreplaceable. (i tried getting my bff a cozy bear a few years ago when her daughter was born. found out they stopped making them. i was all wtf!)

  25. What a great idea for a post!

    Yeah – I’d grab my laptop (because it has all my pictures on it). I’d also get my stockpile of Cadbury Mini Eggs . . . . since they only come out at Easter, damnit. I have priorities.

  26. KA

    We actually had a small fire in September, and all we got out was ourselves and the dogs. I didn’t even think of grabbing anything else, I was too busy flipping out. Thankfully, the fire just got the garage and didn’t spread to the house. If there is ever a next time (hopefully not) I’ll grab our file box of important papers and photographs.

  27. 1. LB’s potty. Otherwise we would constantly be searching for a bush for her to squat behind, since she totally rejects everything else. DEATH BEFORE LOSING THAT POTTY!

    2. Presently, my brain only thinks in potty training language, so….really nothing else matters. I guess I would grab “Lilo & Stitch”, since she likes to watch it while sitting on the potty.


  28. That would be the laptop and the Dyson.

    No brainer.

  29. That would be a no-brainer.

    The laptop and the Dyson. Ahhhh… that thing is suck!-sational!

  30. And apparently a comment editor too. Because those would be really useful in a fire situation.

  31. Computer.


    All my books.


  32. thinking fast – my laptop and the camera/videocamera with all the photos & videos of the kids from the time they were born…

  33. Well, let’s see. I’ve got negatives to family pics in a firebox so they’re safe, and there’s no way I can carry out all my favorite books.

    So, I’d grab my music CD’s and then the backup discs for all my many word documents.

  34. Well, like almost everyone else — my laptop (just a Powerbook, though. Macbooks came out within 6 months after I got it, grrrrr)

    And then a bag full of Anna’s things: bottles, formula, clothes, etc.

  35. Ditto with the rest of your peeps: laptop and baby pics.

  36. I know! I know! I know this one! I even plan for it in the fire drills I have in my head. I would take my laptop and my favorite photo of Bird at age 22 months feeding his baby brother Deal, at age 3 days, a bottle. They are looking at each so intently, checking out one another, the beginning of brotherly love. That photo melts my cold bitchy heart every time.

  37. Are you sure we can only grab TWO things? I saw BHJ’s reply and remembered ALL my books. The thought of watching them turn to ashes is heartbreaking.

    I’m still thinking. It might even deserve it’s own post. Hmmmmmm.

  38. 1. Family photos

    2. Vibrator – for real. After the stress of dealing with the fire, that thing would come in handy (no pun intended).

    3. Pretending that there is a #3 allowed, extra batteries.

  39. Oh great. This is a no win situation for me. First of all, my house burns down. Secondly, I will look REALLY selfish and immature if I say my eyelash curler and favorite pair of shoes, wouldn’t I? So instead, I grab my laptop and Dumbo…my favorite stuffed animal from when I was little that everyone hates. And then everyone’s like what??? You grabbed that dirty old rat of an animal and a stupid piece of technology that McDaddy already has backups of everything on it anyway….and you didn’t save your wedding album? Or the baby books??? And then I’ll REALLY feel dumb. And while standing there, sad and depressed about watching my house up in flames…I will have wished I at least grabbed the marshmellows and chocolate and graham crackers to make smores. At least the fire would have some PURPOSE then. It could feed my homeless family.

  40. My computer (and not just for blogging reasons, for my photos).

    My wedding album if I can easily find it.

  41. QB

    Ok…could I BE anymore depressed by this? Shit, my house is burning down.
    It seems as though everyone is taking their laptop. I’ll leave that for Hubby Bee to grab. That can be one of his two things.
    I’d grab 1) PB (no, not Peanut Butter), He’s Paddington Bear, my teddy from my childhood; 2) and my wedding album.

  42. another co-worker

    My Grandmother’s wedding ring and the framed photo of my best friend Katie (right after her first time skydiving) who died in a car accident in 1999.

  43. My wedding ring (it doesn’t fit right now).
    My piano. I know I won’t be able to move it, but it was my great-grandmother’s, then my grandmother’s, then my mom’s and now MINE and my Kids’. It means more to me than anything else in the house.

  44. littlemansmom

    Well, my pics are loaded on an album in my computer so of course..laptop…and my purse…I confess, I have one of those “everything but the kitchen sink” purses…so we’d do just fine…(and so would anyone else who was standing around watching my house burn…a band-aid, a piece of gum, some dental floss, a hole punch, hockey tape even though my son plays football…whatever…LOL)

  45. Doogs!

    I’m LOVIN’ this little peek into your heads — keep ’em coming and DEFINITELY watch for Doogs Weekend again next Saturday!

  46. 1. My MacBook. (Has lots of pics from all ages anyway and all my important writing).

    2. My jewelry box. (Some heirloom jewelry that will belong to B someday).

    But I’d sure be sad to leave behind those little boxes I make after every year of all the most important work B did that year. She helped me do one last night for 3rd grade year!

  47. My All-Clad 3-quart straight-sided sauce pan, and a beer.

  48. My pictures/scrapbooks and my camera.

  49. Surprisingly, it took me longer than I would have expected to figure out what to take. Since, the kids and hubby are already safe, I guess I would take my purse in which I would stick a few items of jewelry and my camera (for the pics) and my photo albums. Is that cheating?

  50. I don’t have a laptop so we’d have to take the whole tower like we did during the San Diego Fires last year. I guess the photo albums would have to be next.

    If hubby could also take two things, I’d have him grab the video camera and all the files in our drawer with the stuff about buying the house etc.

    Totally boring but if I can’t have my shoes, purses, jewelry and all our books then I might as well be sensible!

  51. Nonnie


    This is like getting a song stuck in your head! I’ll be doing a mental inventory for the rest of the day.

    My first (and selfish) picks, right off the top of my head, would be:

    My computer and Wacom Cintiq – they’re connected, so that counts as one, right?

    My boxes of books – more than one box, but it’s all books. Same principal as above.

    This will change because I know in the end, the photos and other important items would come first.

    Living in Texas during the summer means constant worry of grass fires. I’ve been tempted, on numerous occasions, to pack the vehicles. You know, just in case.

    Since I don’t want to appear crazy, I haven’t.


  52. Di

    MacBook Pro and iPhone. And not necessarily AFTER the kids!

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