The Poll, The Poll!

Look! Look! Up there — in the right hand corner!

You have no idea how proud of myself I am! After nearly going insane, I was able to backdoor the completely jacked-up WordPress system and figure out a way to make my very own poll! Yippee!

So here’s the deal … you take the poll, then leave a comment on the poll site, telling me what SITC character you’re like (make sure to leave your URL), and I’ll randomly pick a few people to transform through the magic of Photoshop. My gift to you. Just think of the fabulous screen saver it’ll make! (Personally, I’m diggin’ myself with long Carrie hair …)

Don’t worry if you already took it yesterday — go ahead and do it again! I’ll leave the button up all month, and then display the results, along with the new blogalicious cast, May 30.

I’m so excited, I think I peed a little.

I’m even thinking I’ll give it a shot with a new and different cast each month!

Yeah, I know. I so need to get out more.


Filed under Piece of Pop Culture

8 responses to “The Poll, The Poll!

  1. Oh shoot! Did you mean who we “look” like, or “act” like? I might have blown the poll. figures.

  2. Oh MAAAN – way to go PJM.

    My bad — I should probably make it clearer — I meant “act.”

  3. Oh ok then. I did ok.
    *blushes at my poll response

  4. Yep — I totally pictured you as Samantha! 🙂

  5. I think I’m mostly Miranda. Job, baby(ies), juggling, and much much MUCH more likely to buy a bigger house further out and do all the hard work myself to make it lovely if it meant more play space and a backyard. Also, I always wanted red hair. Always.

  6. Never seen the show, but I’m guessing one of them must have a doorman? Yup, I’d be the doorman.

  7. No doorman, but I may have to add one to the cast just for you, Foolery 🙂

  8. I’ll take it again… : ) Very, very impressive. I swear I’m an equal mix of all four. Depends on my mood…

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